Do You Know Who You Are?
Born and raised in Hong Kong, a unique administrative region city of China and a colony of the British Empire until 1997, I grew up under the unique cultural blend of the western and eastern worlds. This background planted the seed of my worldly view that all humans, the planet, and the universe are essentially all connected as a whole.
Growing up, Japanese Manga became the root of my art influence due to the popularity of Japanese culture and entertainment in Hong Kong during the 80s. Moreover, it nurtured my openness and diverse tastes in art, from graphic novels to classic art and modern art.
With a strong sense of spiritual calling in recent years, I understand life is a tumultuous journey. We all go through our life journey with inevitable ups and downs, joys and grievances, and hope to seek internal peace and happiness.
I believe in using art as a vehicle for Faith, Love, Passion, and Blessing.
My body of work is a constant exploration of the subjects of limitless possibilities, boundless imagination, self-reflection, love and hope.
By connecting our emotions with soul-reflecting and intuitive themes, vibrant and imaginative visual elements, and through the power of self-awareness and awakening our inner child, we can all heal our pains and traumas and find our inner peace by facing our true selves, our emotions and our inner truth.
I create a parallel universe with our collective memories to help us remember who we are.
Everything is stardust. We are all connected.
As a multimedia artist with a full breadth of skill sets in technology and art, I have been exhibiting in the SF Bay Area, where I currently reside. In addition, my artworks have been collected throughout the US and internationally.
Sally Chan
Artist. Designer.
Reiki Master.